“Papaflessas (1788 – 1825), born Georgios Dimitrios Flessas, was a Greek patriot, priest, and government official of the old Flessas Family. The word papa- (παπα-) in the name “Papaflessas” indicates his status as a cleric since the word means “priest” in Greek. He was ordained to the highest position of the priesthood, Archimandrites, in 1819. He served as Minister of Internal Affairs and Chief of Police in the government of Alexander Mavrocordatos. Papaflessas was killed during the Battle of Maniaki on May 20, 1825, fighting against the forces of Ibrahim Pasha at Maniaki, Messinia.“
Γεώργιος Λαζαρίδης
Μενέλαος Κουτέλας
Σταύρος Χουσέας
Ιωάννης Δρίτσας
Πέτρος Δουλαψής
Γιάννης Μπράττος
Ηλίας Παρθένιος
Ιωάννης Σκάρπας
Κώστας Παρασκευόπουλος
Νικόλαος Φοίφας
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