The President of the Tang Soo Do Fighting Rules which is an official member of the Hellenic Kick Boxing Association, Mr. Christoforos Christodoulou, responded immediately to the call of the President of the AHEPA Chapter HJ-04 Solon Mr. Alexandros Dimas with social sensitivity and responsibility, for the delivery of a hashtag#antibullying seminar to the young children hosted at the Hatzikyriakio Children Protection Institute.
They developed psychological and practical techniques that could be applied by the children for dealing with threatening situations under the supervision of the children protection authority of the Institution.
The children responded very well to this activity, which took place in a pleasant and happy atmosphere.
Mr. Christodoulou and Alexandros Dimas, who was also a former student of the Art, highlighted the importance of the Traditional Martial Arts in a broader sense and not only as a means of defense.
They mentioned that it is a way to Live and Respond in all circumstances as a Fighter and highlighted Martial Arts as a fundamental part of Ancient Greek Basic Education and culture. As Herodotus said Country need people to be both Fighters and Scholars to survive.
The Tang Soo Do Fighting Rules Association, knowing that the seminar is addressing to young girls who are hosted at the Institution, ensured that it would be fully conducted only by Official Female Instructors of the Tang Soo Do Martial Art, with their own Martial Arts School, highlighting the importance of women and their true potential in all professional fields without exception.
Mr. Christodoulou being very sensitive to bullying threats offered future seminars on a broader level – free of charge – for all the children hosted in the Institute in cooperation with our Chapter and the social services who are there to protect the children.
The Directors Andrew Garifalos of the Athletic Committee and Anthimos Vougioukas of the Family Excellence Committee congratulated the Martial Arts Trainers for their volunteering contribution to this important seminar which made us all in our AHEPA ATHENS – CHALANDRI SOLON and the Tang Soo Do Fighting Rules Association feel very proud & satisfied for our action.