Cordially invites you to attend our annual 4th of July Celebration & Barbecue
To be held at the Webster Athens Cultural Center at 5 Markou Avriliou & Kyrristou Street in the Plaka area of Athens TK 10556
Our special guests at this event will be this year’s AHEPA Journey to Greece Students who have come to Greece from different cities all across the AHEPA domain in North America in order improve their Greek Language skills while learning about their ancestral homeland and its history.
All AHEPA Brothers and DOP Sisters are welcome to come and enjoy some Barbecue, wine, beer & soft drinks with us. We only ask for a €10.00 per person contribution.
The Barbecue will take place on Thursday, July 5th, 2018 at 7:00 pm
For information and reservations please contact: Tom Mazarakis Tel. 211-990-5305 Mobile: 693-916-2014