AHEPA Chapter HJ1
Fundraising kick-off for the creation of AHEPA Medical Library at the Athens General Hospital “Evangelismos”
On October 13th 2017, the Arm Forces Officer’s Club in Athens hosted AHEPA’s Athens Chapter HJ1 first public event aiming to sensitize different target groups to offer support for the creation of AHEPA Medical Library at the Athens General Hospital “Evangelismos”.
Distinguished guests from the Hellenic-American community, friends of AHEPA, officials from “Evangelismos” hospital, doctors, entrepreneurs, journalists and members of the intellectual milieu in Athens were welcomed during the reception and attended the speeches and awards ceremony.
Dr. George Patoulis, President of the Athens Medical Association and the Central Union of Municipalities in Greece and Mayor of Amaroussion was honored for his contribution to the Medical Library project and support to AHEPA.
AHEPA presented awards to its sponsors and officials who enhance and facilitate the demanding oeuvre.
Donations in Euros can be made online or by wire transfer to:
ALPHA BANK, Marasli 7, 10676 Athens, Greece
Account # 7680 0233 0000 032
IBAN: GR66 0140 7680 7680 0233 0000 032
For US$ deposits, account information is:
101 South Ridge Str. NY 10573, USA
Account # 433 552 5535
Routing No: 026013673
AHEPA promotes Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence.
For further information, one may visit www.ahepa.gr/aml or contact the Committee’s Secretary, Dr. Athanasios Sarantopoulos, via E-mail: Sarantopoulos@gmail.
Έναρξη εράνου για τη δημιουργία της Πρότυπης Ψηφιακής Ιατρικής Βιβλιοθήκης ΑΧΕΠΑ στο Γ.Ν.Α. «Ο Ευαγγελισμός»
Το Τμήμα Αθηνών HJ1 της ΑΧΕΠΑ πραγματοποίησε δημόσια εκδήλωση στη Λέσχη Αξιωματικών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων Αθηνών την Παρασκευή, 13 Οκτωβρίου 2017, στα πλαίσια της έναρξης του εράνου και της ενημέρωσης για τη δημιουργία της Πρότυπης Ψηφιακής Ιατρικής Βιβλιοθήκης ΑΧΕΠΑ στο Γ.Ν.Α. «Ο Ευαγγελισμός».
Στη δεξίωση προσήλθαν σημαίνοντα πρόσωπα της Ελληνο-Αμερικανικής κοινωνίας, φίλοι της ΑΧΕΠΑ, εκπρόσωποι του Γ.Ν.Α. «Ο Ευαγγελισμός», μέλη της ιατρικής κοινότητας, εκπρόσωποι κοινωνικών οργανώσεων, καθηγητές, επιχειρηματίες, δημοσιογράφοι και πλήθος κόσμου.
Τιμώμενο πρόσωπο ήταν ο Δρ. Γεώργιος Πατούλης, Πρόεδρος του Ιατρικού Συλλόγου Αθηνών, Δήμαρχος του Δήμου Αμαρουσίου και Πρόεδρος της Κ.Ε.Δ.Ε.. Έπαινοι επιδόθηκαν σε πρόσωπα που έχουν στηρίξει το έργο της δημιουργίας της βιβλιοθήκης.
Σκοποί της ΑΧΕΠΑ είναι η προώθηση του Ελληνισμού, της Παιδείας, της Φιλανθρωπίας, της Κοινωνικής Ευθύνης και της Οικογενειακής και Ατομικής Αριστείας.
Για οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία ή χορηγία τα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη μπορούν να επισκέπτονται τον ιστότοπο www.ahepa.gr/aml ή να επικοινωνούν με τον Γραμματέα της Επιτροπής, Δρα Αθανάσιο Σαραντόπουλο (E-mail: Sarantopoulos@gmail.
2017 AHEPA Hellenic History Tournament
The second annual AHEPA Mid-Atlantic Hellenic History Tournament took place on Saturday, November 18,2017 at St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church in Cherry Hill, NJ. There were teams from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware involved. Each team consisted of three high school students that were sponsored by an AHEPA or Daughters Chapter. There were nine teams that participated on Saturday.
The Tournament was organized and sponsored by Camden AHEPA #69, with the help of the Daughters of Penelope Chapter Nike #230. The Chairperson, Steven Marmarou, thanked the members of the Tournament Committee; Lou Stephano, Cosmas Diamantis, Jonathan Patouhas, George Pappas, George G. Horiates, Asteris Fanikos, and Stacy Chryssofos. Also thanked were the Sponsors and Benefactors who contributed to the tournament: AHEPA National Education Foundation, Sandy Papadopoulos, Supreme Sons Advisor, AHEPA District #5 Cancer Foundation, St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church, George G. Horiates, AHEPA Supreme Treasurer, Adelphia Restaurant, Philly Diner, Kaminski’s Restaurant, Oceanos Restaurant, Westmont Diner, White House Restaurant, Riverwinds Restaurant, Seven Stars Diner, Cherry Hill Diner, Diamond Diner, Seton Hall Law School, and Nicholas Nikas, creator of the contest.
Present at the Tournament were Past Supreme President, Andrew Zachariades, Supreme Treasurer, George G. Horiates, and Governor, District #5, Zenon Christodoulou.
The winning team was sponsored by the Valley Forge AHEPA Chapter # 432. The members of the team were Nicholas Nikas, Aidan Good, and Nicholas Papadimitriou. The second place team was sponsored by the Tenafly AHEPA Chapter # 285. Each member of the winning team received $1,000.00 and each member of the second place team received $500.00. Also, these first two teams will be eligible to participate in the National Hellenic History Tournament to be held at the AHEPA Supreme Convention being held in Atlantic City, July 23 – 28, 2017.
In addition to competing in the Tournament, the members of the winning team plus other participants of the Tournament were initiating into the Sons of Pericles, Hippocrates Chapter #210 at Cherry Hill. And the next day saw the members of the Trenton team be initiated into the Maids of Athena under the Trenton AHEPA Chapter #72.
Executive Director