AHEPA….the voice of the Hellenic Community 23/3/16
AHEPA attends My Big Fat Wedding 2 Premier!
On Monday March 21, over 1000 members of the AHEPA family attended the premier of the move My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. The film was advance released in 55 cities across the United States and Canada and the compliments have not stopped coming in! “Supreme President John W. Galanis thanked the producers for their association with AHEPA and was “very moved” by the film. AHEPA family members across the US were fascinated with the premier and strongly endorse the film.
Region 1:
Sunday, February 28, 2016 the Atlanta Community came together following Divine Liturgy to raise $155,000 for the rebuilding of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine. The luncheon and auction theme, “On Sacred Ground” featured the inspiring words of guest speaker, Anthoula Katsimatides. AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter #1 President, Charlie Burland presented $5,000 on behalf of the Chapter to event co-sponsor representative, Ladies Philoptochos President, Voula Giannakopoulos. The Mother Lodge Chapter has committed an additional $20,000 in support of this important AHEPA National Project initiative.
AHEPA Mother Lodge and District Officers gather at the “On Sacred Ground” Luncheon benefitting the St. Nicholas Church and National Shrine at Ground Zero. The Atlanta community-wide event netted $155,000 for the initiative. Some AHEPANs in attendance (l to r): District #1 Governor Pete Nassos, PDG Ted Kipreos, Mother Lodge (ML) Chapter President Charlie Burland, Gus Hatzifotis, District Secretary Harry Kipreos (back), Jim Gilmer, Dr. Victor Polizos (event emcee), ML Chapter Secretary Steven Panayioto, District Treasurer John Shinas (back), Jerry Stewart, and Gus Plagianis.
On Sunday March 20, 2016 District #2 participated at the annual Greek Independence Day Parade in Tarpon Springs, FL. Members of the George Washington, AHEPA Chapter in Tarpon Springs along with the members of the Steve Tsagaris Clearwater Pinellas AHEPA Chapter as well as members of the Sons and Maids of District 2 and the Greek American community came together to march in the annual parade. District Governor #2 Kostas Sofikitis along with members of His District Lodge attended the event as well as Supreme Governor Demetri Kirkiles.
Howie in the Hills, FL –
Supreme Athletic Director Louis G. Atsaves and AHEPA National Golf Director Sandy Papadopoulos coordinated a golf outing at Mission Inn for a Reunion golf outing. Supreme President John Galanis attended the event which had over 115 golfers attending. Congratulations to the organizers.
AHEPA Athletic Director Lou Atsaves presents Sandy Papadopoulos a Gold putter in honor of his recent HOLE in ONE! The putter was donated by Supreme Governor Tim Joannides and Hallady Motors of Wyoming.
Region 2
On Saturday March 12 Supreme President John W. Galanis attended the AHEPA District #3 workshop in Fredericksburg, VA. The Supreme President was joined by many members of the national level. Supreme Governor Jim Stasios, National Board of Director member Nick Matthews, as well as District 3 Governor George Papaspyrou. The Supreme President spoke about programs and issues currently facing the Order of AHEPA. Around 75 members of the AHEPA family joined the Supreme President for the Workshop.
Later that evening Supreme President Galanis visted AHEPA Chapter #31 in Washington, DC for dinner in honor of his visitation to the Washington, DC chapter.
Region 5 -AHEPA Chapter 68
AHEPA Miltiades Chapter 68 Wheeling,WV and Daughter’s of Penelope Semale Chapter 256 hosted a pre-Lenten Mardi Gra dance at St. John the Divine church hall. The dance was a rousing success with a good time had by all. Hors D’oeuvres table was bursting with delicious food. Dancing to the music of The Greek Company. Donations by multiple AHEPAN’s and Daughter’s helped support the dance. Plans for next years dance are already in the offing.
Upcoming Events
New York City Greek Independence Parade
April 17, 2016
Philadelphia Greek Independence Parade
For current news and updates, please visit our web site
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Λειτουργικά Πάντα ενεργό
Η τεχνική αποθήκευση ή πρόσβαση είναι απολύτως απαραίτητη για τον νόμιμο σκοπό της δυνατότητας χρήσης συγκεκριμένης υπηρεσίας που ζητείται ρητά από τον συνδρομητή ή τον χρήστη ή με αποκλειστικό σκοπό τη μετάδοση επικοινωνίας μέσω δικτύου ηλεκτρονικών επικοινωνιών.
Η τεχνική αποθήκευση ή πρόσβαση είναι απαραίτητη για τον νόμιμο σκοπό της αποθήκευσης προτιμήσεων που δεν ζητούνται από τον συνδρομητή ή τον χρήστη.
Η τεχνική αποθήκευση ή πρόσβαση που χρησιμοποιείται αποκλειστικά για στατιστικούς σκοπούς.Η τεχνική αποθήκευση ή πρόσβαση που χρησιμοποιείται αποκλειστικά για ανώνυμους στατιστικούς σκοπούς. Χωρίς κλήτευση, η εθελοντική συμμόρφωση εκ μέρους του Παρόχου Υπηρεσιών Διαδικτύου ή πρόσθετες καταγραφές από τρίτο μέρος, οι πληροφορίες που αποθηκεύονται ή ανακτώνται για το σκοπό αυτό από μόνες τους δεν μπορούν συνήθως να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την αναγνώρισή σας.
Εμπορικής Προώθησης
Η τεχνική αποθήκευση ή πρόσβαση απαιτείται για τη δημιουργία προφίλ χρηστών, για την αποστολή διαφημίσεων ή για την καταγραφή του χρήστη σε έναν ιστότοπο ή σε διάφορους ιστότοπους για παρόμοιους σκοπούς εμπορικής προώθησης.