Chapter HJ-04 Solon, District 25, Region 10 Europe, started on the 1st December 2014 a food relief program with fresh vegetable and fruit daily deliveries to the Municipality of Halandri institution ‘rations providers’ with the kind support of Mrs Efi Vesiropoulou (ex. Air Force Greece officer) and a distinguished Jewish family. So far we have delivered more than 1.8 tons of fresh food and we keep going strong.

Daily fresh vegetable and fruit delivery Daily fresh vegetable and fruit delivery

For the victims of the EU zone economic crisis For the victims of the EU zone economic crisis

Cooked food portions Cooked food portions

We also leave on the side of the garbage bins, bags with fresh food for certain neighbors that temporarily need to support their beloved ones but they are proud to declare poor and every morning are searching the bins for leftovers. We are giving them a hand to come back on track. Activity with the support of the Artist’s Disability Movement

Food bags for our neighbors Food bags for our neighbors