The members of AHEPA and the administration of the Athens Campus of the University of Indianapolis would like to enlist your support and assistance to help Greece and the Greek people during these difficult times.
We would like you to participate in a “Round Table” discussion whose topic will be the question of safety in Athens and in Greece in general. We have taken this initiative in reaction to the fact that more and more people abroad have been led to believe that Athens is not a safe destination to visit. We believe that this negative perception of Greece is the result of exaggerated mass media reporting of events that have taken place in Athens in recent years.
As responsible residents of Greece, we believe that it is our duty to make an effort to dispel this perception and thus help perspective visitors understand that they really do not have anything to fear. We plan to videotape the discussion and then create a short video presentation that will be distributed to various recipients, including members of AHEPA around the world.
Therefore, please join us in this important effort. The discussion will take place on March 20th, from 7:30 pm until 11:00 pm, at the Cultural Center of the University of Indianapolis. The address is: 5 Markou Avriliou Street, Plaka, Athens.
In an effort to turn around the negative media images of Athens and to showcase the real picture of daily life, AHEPA HELLAS and UINDY are undertaking this challenge by hosting a roundtable panel discussion and audience participation of community leaders and officials to present facts regarding the safety conditions, beyond the demonstrations. This event will be video taped for broadcast via numerous outlets and social media networks, Greek-American organizations, churches, communities and AHEPA Chapters in USA, Canada and elsewhere to encourage youth attending JtG 2013. Sponsorships will be requested from various sources the proceeds of which will go to cover related costs of event. Any remaining funds will go towards providing financial support to students attending the Journey to Greece 2013.
Each summer since 2006 the AHEPA Educational Foundation has organized over 400 university students of Hellenic descent to visit Greece to study at a fully accredited US University to learn about modern and ancient Greece as well as see and experience the beauty of the country, its people and earn transferable University credits.
Our goal with this roundtable discussion topic is to continue this vital Hellenism Educational program by alleviating the fears of both parents and students to travel and see that Athens is as safe as any other major metropolitan city in the world.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 19:30
Univ. of Indianapolis Athens Cultural Center
Hosts: AHEPA Glyfada Chapter HJ-2